Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Life Lately

So don't really have a particular subject in mind with this post, more of an update on what's going on in the world of Just Ems' weight loss journey!

As you know from my previous post, I've decided to change my diet slightly, still eating clean but
I'm following recipes from The Body Coach. Seriously, get following this guy, not only does he create fabulous recipes and great HIIT work out sessions, his video's crack me up and he's also incredibly gorgeous! Well, in my eyes he is! Long hair, great sense of humour, health enthusiast, great cook, fit, facial hair... Mmmm... 

Anyway, I digress! With his recipes I have been adding more carbs into my diet and I have been increasing my workout sessions from 3 to 4/5 a week. I'm really enjoying the recipes I have been trying lately and I will monitor my weight loss progress and inch loss to see what affect the change is having. Although I've learnt this week to not have rice/pasta/sweet potato on the days that I'm not working out (doh, why didn't I think of that last week?!). Here's a selection of the recipes that I have been trying:

Clockwise fromtop  left - Italian Chicken, Thai Green Chicken Curry, Chicken Leaniani and Chicken Stir Fry

Check out The Body Coach on Facebook and look at his video section for his 15 second recipe videos. You won't regret it! 

Things will be changing for me next week as I start my new job! I'm really looking forward to this as I'll be getting back into a role that I really enjoy and I will be working less hours than my current job so I will be gaining back 5 hours per week which I fully intend on putting straight back into my exercise routine. I'm hoping to walk to work 2 times a week (yes, I'm lucky enough to live within walking distance of my new job!) and fix my workouts to 5 per week as a minimum, I've also arranged with my PT to keep our sessions to boxing only and to use the gym in bad weather or when he changes my programme every 6 weeks. I really enjoy boxing as it helps improve my hand/eye co-ordination and is good fun whilst giving me an all over work out. I can't wait to settle into a routine/proper structure with exercise. I may even start working on the Couch25K app to improve my running as well. Excited!

Never thought in a million years that I would be getting enthusiastic about my health but its a good feeling and one that I don't want to wane either. I've lost over 3 stone, I can't go back now.

I am learning not to get hung up about what the scales say and I'm also trying not to let guilt set in if I do eat something unhealthy. I had a naughty weekend just gone as it was my best friends birthday and I've just buckled down on Monday and got back to eating healthy and had a run and a PT session. This weekend may also prove to be another naughty one for birthday celebrations part 2 but I'm doing my best to give it my all during the week to minimise the damage. 

I've got a new transformation picture to share with you all...

June 2014 to 28th April 2015

Slowly but surely I'm getting there. I have to keep bearing in mind that this is my journey and that I shouldn't compare myself to others and their journeys. I'm taking my time with this weight loss journey, teaching myself healthy habits, learning to enjoy exercise and hopefully losing it steadily will ensure my skin won't end up saggy!

Until next time

Much Love

Just Ems

Start Date: 7th October 2014
Start Weight: 15 stone 8lbs
Current Weight: 12  Stone 11 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 39lbs
Height 5'2

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