As someone who does struggle from time to time on their weight loss plan, I do find that support from friends and family can be invaluable at times and I am a very lucky girl to have a small group of weight loss friends who I found on Twitter since I've been on my weight loss journey. Although the majority of my WL buddies follow the
So I've been a bit quiet on my blog recently. As you know things have changed in my home life which doesn't give me as much time as I would like to blog and I've also been struggling with
Another Monday morning has rolled around. Another chance to right all the unhealthy wrongs that we have made over the weekend or the past week/month/year. I for one have not stuck to my healthy lifestyle 100% since
So don't really have a particular subject in mind with this post, more of an update on what's going on in the world of Just Ems' weight loss journey! As you know from my previous post, I've decided to change my diet slightly, still eating clean but
So it's been a while since my last post. It wasn't intentional. I planned to post on Sunday, hell I'd even started typing up several paragraphs of how things had been and how I was struggling with my motivation since my Easter blow out
So Easter has come and gone. I hope you all had a nice Bank Holiday weekend. My weekend was unexpectedly rather life changing for reasons I'm choosing not to reveal online but things are going to be alittle different for the foreseeable future! But I allowed these sudden changes to
This is a different kind of post today as I'm responding to 2 nominations that I have received for 'Sisterhood of the World' Blogger Award. Being nominated for things like this is so lovely as it really brings together the community part of blogging, one thing that I never expected when I started! Right, lets get on...
Another Sunday has rolled round again! Although this Sunday is alittle different to last week as we all lost an hour's sleep today. This didn't affect me too much, but I feel for those who had to work today. But this marks the start that summer is approaching and I, for one, can not wait!! I've always been more of a summer person than a winter person and this year...
Happy Sunday evening! As I type this post, my home-made chilli is bubbly away in my slow cooker. Yup, Sundays are my prep days where I usually do my meal planning, food shopping and cook up a few meals ready for my lunches for the next week. Planning ahead and being organised is by far the...
Sorry it has been a while since my last post! I am struggling with writers block recently and for me, blogging should be a creative and natural thing, I don't want to make myself write posts for the sake of it. I want to have something to talk about and be passionate about it! I had a review session with my PT on Monday...
Firstly sorry that it has taken me a while to post again. Life really has been crazy hectic recently! Plus last weekend I was kind of struggling with inspiration on what to write about. I feel as though just posting about my meal plans, recipes and phone wallpapers would be abit boring if I did it all the time. I felt as though I had to have something worthwhile to write about. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on
Firstly I feel I need to apologise for being AWOL for the past 2 weeks. Last week I had a bit of a shitty week with work so I gave into my food demons and ate the wrongs things, gaining 3lbs in the process! Right now I'm not sure how to cope with my triggers and how to not give into that food demon that sits on my shoulder, whispering in my ear 'Eat chips!
I'm definitely glad to see the back of January for two reasons. Mainly the cold weather as I'm really not a winter bunny and prefer the warmer climes of summer. My skin is dry on my face, hands and lips, my heating is on costing me money, de-icing my car in the mornings and I have to wear layers to keep warm. I did wake up the morning thinking
Another weekly weigh in is upon me! I always look forward to weigh in days but I am also nervous of them as well! I guess it's like getting an exam result, you want to know if all of your hard work has paid off but what if you didn't work hard enough? What if you failed and didn't get the grade you wanted? What if I failed and actually gained weight instead
Another week gone! Time is flying by again. As long as we get through this cold weather we're having and time slows down during summer, I will be happy. I'm definitely more of a summer person than a winter person. There is nothing fun about scraping the ice from your car in -4 conditions! Weekly weigh in #16 will be here tomorrow! Although
Weekly weigh in number 15 has crept up on me pretty fast. How have we gone past the middle of January already?! I've seen pictures on social media promoting Easter as well, talk about wishing the time away! How is everyone getting on with their New Years Resolutions? Or didn't you make any? If you did then I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you're doing well at sticking to them! Nothing like the beginning of
Technically I guess I am on Week 14 but with my blip over the festive season, am I back on Week 1 again? I'm not sure... Confusing! Lets stick with Week 14 to keep things easier. Monday rolls around. Great, weigh in day! I await Mondays in trepidation for what the scales are going to say, always hoping
After 12 days of being 'off plan' or 'falling off the wagon' I was feeling pretty lethargic, sluggish and demotivated, annoyed at myself for letting my addition to junk food take over. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue my healthy lifestyle, with thoughts of just giving up crossing my mind on a few occasions. BUT...
So... (I think I start most blog posts with 'so', I need to come up with a different opening word soon!) Christmas and New Year has come and gone. I hope that you all had a good Festive Season and a belated Happy New Year to you! Firstly I feel that I need to apologise for not posting sooner. This post is going to be one of the hardest that I've written since I started blogging because of the honesty within it and the admission I
So welcome to 2015! I hope you all had a good evening last night and I'm sure quite a few of you are nursing hang overs this morning! I have to admit that I have not been feeling my usual motivated self lately. I spent NYE at home, on the sofa, in my PJS and I had to drag myself out of bed this morning because laying down was making breathing difficult. As I sit and type this I am trying to battle a