Wednesday, 10 December 2014

What a surprise!

Wow! What a shock awaited me on Monday morning!

As most of my Facebook friends know, my weekly weigh in takes place on a Monday and after Friday nights drinking session, I was really nervous as to what the scales were going to say. I know that you shouldn't let the number on the scales define who you are as a person but it is hard not to

get frustrated when you've eaten clean and worked out in the gym and the number on the scales doesn't move much. 
However I was alittle naughty and I had a sneaky weigh in on Friday to see how I was getting on after removing brown rice and red meat from my meal plan and I had lost 2lbs which I was more than happy with. Imagine my complete shock and surprise when on Monday morning the number on the scales came up 13.12. Another 2lb loss, total 4lbs! How I managed to lose another 2lbs after consuming 10 alcoholic beverages on Friday night, I have no idea. Maybe the dancing helped?!
I'm hoping the alcohol doesn't catch up with me this week and affect next weeks weigh in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Each week I like to change my phone wallpaper with a motivational quote that I see either on Pintrest or Twitter so that every time I look at my phone, I read it and it reminds me of the reasons why I am on this journey to become a healthier person. So this week my wall paper is this:

I must say that losing weight and focusing on becoming healthier can be one of the most selfish things that a person can do. You literally focus everything on planning your meals, food shopping, preparing and cooking food, going to the gym, making lunch for the following day, packing the gym bag etc. And sometimes I've had to say no to certain things like going for dinner with colleagues because I've got plans to go to the gym or I don't want to put myself into a situation where I'm going to be tempted by food or I'm not sure if the food is going to be clean (anyone who has tried any kind of 'diet' before will know how hard it is to sit at a restaurant and watch the people you're with scoffing desserts!). Of course, not everyone wants to give up their social life and I don't say no to everything so I do try and work around it. So if I'm going for a meal out, I check the menu beforehand to see what I can have, substituting potatoes for salad/veggies and removing sauces if necessary. It can be done everyone! You can still go out and stick to being healthy with alittle forward planning :)

New gym plan seems to be going well. My plan consists of 4 days in the gym of which there are 3 different sessions so I repeat Monday's session on day 4. The sessions consist of:

Session 1 - Every Minute On - A warm up on the treadmill, walking at 3.5km at level 15 incline. Then I go on the rower for 10 mins and at the start of each minute I row as quick as possible to 100m, then rest and then when the next minute starts, row as fast as I can for another 100m. Continue this for 10 mins. Then I do the same on the cross trainer, treadmill and the bike, reaching a certain distance as quick as possible before resting. For now, I'm finding this easy as I was already doing this last week, needless to say as easy as it maybe it still tires me out and makes me sweat!

Session 2 - Pyramid Training - A warm up on the treadmill, walking at 3.5km at level 15 incline. Then on the rower to row 500m as fast as possible, then plank for 30 secs. Back on the rower to row 400m as fast as possible, then plank for 25 secs. Then 300m and 20 secs, 200m and 15 secs then 100m and 30 secs. This killed me! But it was quite fun to jump from rower to mat and back again, felt like an obstacle course! Then another 10 mins on the bike, aiming to cycle 1km as fast as possible then rest 1 min, then another 1km as fast as possible and rest and then another 1km and rest. Lastly the cross trainer, same as session 1 but distance was alittle shorter this time. This session really did work me out and I was definitely breathing pretty heavily after this.

Session 3 is to row 5000 meters at a steady pace which my friend gave me 30-40 mins to complete. Tonight I smashed it in 27 mins and 12 seconds! Then 10 mins on the treadmill every minute on (same as Session 1). I found this workout didn't make me get hot and sweaty as much so maybe I need to work out a bit faster on the rower?

Hasn't it become really cold over the past few days? I really need to get a new winter coat as my current one is definitely not warm enough! Although I'm not sure if I can brave hitting the shops this weekend so close to Christmas! Maybe a night after work is in order. I did go to Primark whilst I was dress shopping and picked up a lovely snood (such a strange word!) and that is definitely serving me well in the cold weather. It was £4 and a triple wrap around one and I love it! So warm and cosy...

I really should invest in a decent camera as the one on my phone is pretty rubbish!

Until next time

Much Love

Just Ems

Start Date: 7th October 2014
Start Weight: 15 stone 8lbs
Current Weight: 13 Stone 12lbs
Total Weight Lost: 24lbs
Height 5'2

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